Tuesday, January 30, 2001

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Ted Bell opened the show to talk about Steven Spielberg's recent knighthood. Ted was pissed, because he feels passed up. "He's made a couple good movies, but I've had some great contributions as well. Like foil-wrapped potatoes, cerrated steak knives, etc. Plus my dad met the Queen during WWII."

Phil closed the first hour with a rant about earthquakes, the end of the world, and the mafia.

Jeff Dowder joined the show in the second hour to talk about the kid that burned himself copying "Jackass". He said that the stunt was stupid. It's not MTV's fault that kids are just terribly stupid.

In the third hour Bobbie Dooley came on the show to talk about her neighbor's pregnancy. Bobbie said that she wanted her neighbor to get a c-section to make sure that the baby won't be malformed from forceps. Bobbie argued that her neighbor is petite and would need that. "We have a baby photo contest coming up, and Western Estates has won for the last four years."


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