Tuesday, January 25, 2005

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Hour 1: Lancen Odell, Bud’s black friend and NFL player, is in studio again. Phil argues with Bud over Bud’s dislike for black people. Phil plays a classic flashback of Jeff Dowder reporting on jackrabbit populations causing fires in dry forest areas. Turns out Jeff’s friend Toby Bo was either in the middle of a forest fire, or he cooked up the whole story while on acid! Charlie the Complainer calls in to bitch about Phil’s radio show; Bud pretends to be Mark Mays. Phil rants about his bad back and cats.

Hour 2: Steve Bosell is on to discuss his reverse racism suit against William Raymond Bosell, a black man and business associate of Steve’s. Steve believes that he and William Bosell may be related, and even Steve’s family may have owned the descendants of William back in the slave trading days. Steve invited William to a family reunion and William did not show up. This is reason enough to sue his ass. David G. Hall comes to Steve’s defense.

Hour 3: Phil comments on the news. Rudy Canoza, owner of Je Taime lingerie, hosts Rudy’s Love Songs. Jeff Dowder joins the program for Hypothetical America. Today Jeff explores what it would be like if we didn’t have the moon. Phil rants about terrestrial versus satellite radio, TV, and the FCC. Bababooey! Show closes out with Phil talking about bumper music, and then lets out a blood-curdling scream.

Show log by Kyle Davis.


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