Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Tonight, Dr. Leo Rittenour attempted to enlighten Phil on the recent trend of parents having their childrens baby teeth removed and sent to a lab for freezing where they may be used at some point to spin off stem cells that could create replacement orgns or other tissues. It's a very futuristic concept but none the less Dr. Rittenour believes whole heartedly in it....and happens to enjoy the act of "pulling perfectly healthy teeth from a perfectly healthy jaw", while barefoot and using one hand to restrain the person in the chair

Later Dave Oliva, prospective LAPD officer, told Phil that tasering people, even people that aren't suspects as in the case of a woman Tuesday in Sacramento, is a good way to find out who's who in an investigation. Dave remembered being on a ride-a-long where the officers pulled up to see "four huge Samoans drinking Icehouse coming toward them. The one occifer (sic) looked at the other, nodded and they tased 'em all."


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