Tuesday, January 1, 2002

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Hour 1: Lloyd Bonafide is on from Happy Wanderers RV club to propose a new law that RVs don't have to use their turn signals anymore. Why? Because he is driving 10,000 lbs of Detroit lead. Also in hour 1 - David G Hall wants to interview Osama Bin Laden flashback. Phil discusses some recent Taliban news and RC makes a brief appearance to mispronounce Nostradamus.

Hour 2: Margaret Gray discusses war correspondents and how Edgar R. Murrow was a pussy, degrades Connie "Me love you long time" Chung, but she knows about war because her lobster bisque was terrible. Margaret delivers the fantastic line "Try finding the last clean tampon in Grenada" then hangs up. Phil discusses Geraldo Rivera and all the actresses he has banged. A real life Raj Faneen Egyptian caller takes exception to Phil talking bad about Egypt.

Hour 3: Chris Norton joins the show because he wants to be the first man to ever pose neud in Playboy. His idea is he could pose nude and demonstrate to men how to touch women properly because he is hot and knows how to handle hot babes. Chris delivers the fantastic line "This ain't mud trutle productions starring Ms. Bush Pig." Phil nearly loses it a few times delivering some great Chris Norton lines. Bob Green joins the show to discuss requesting local clubs dedicate 1 hour a night to let straight men only dance. Bob Green's justification? Straight women get Roe v Wade, straight men should get this.


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