Tuesday, February 6, 2018

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

No videocast today, unfortunately.

This is an encore show from February 6, 2017. Attorney Harvey Weirman guests in this discussion of whether or not “Smonday” (the day after Super Bowl Sunday) should be a national holiday. Ted Bell and Tom Cattan talk about Cattan leaving the health food business, tired of all the crank calls from Phil’s listeners giggling at any mention of bananas and cucumbers.

The BSP Classic Show is from March 2004. Steve Bosell had an agreement with his wife that he could order her to go in the kitchen and get a beer for his friends during poker night. He made a comment about their sex earlier that day and she got offended, then called him in the bedroom to fold pants. Steve went in the bathroom and wept, and he’s suing for emotional abandonment. Phil ends the bit abruptly when Steve admits he’s really not going to sue. Phil closes with a rant about listeners and affiliates that don’t get the show.

Episode 1088 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast


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