Tuesday, February 19, 2013

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Harvey Weirman talked about the value of sports franchies, specifically a team know as "A Pittsburgh Penguin" which neither Phil nor anyone else recognized. Turned out Harvey meant THE Pittsburgh PenguinS but had seen the other name on a promotional brochure..

Don Berman discussed "that summer of 1964"when he waited patiently for "Old lady Knotts" to make her berry pies, the berry pies that "caused my ass to look like a chicks..."

General Gaylen Shaw tried to lay out his view of how China might invade the United States but only got as far as calling them "cowardly yellow so and so's" or "stinking yellow bowl haircuts."

Art Griego joined Phil and the crew to relate how he changed his resume from "air frieght pilot" to "cargo pilot" because he wants his grandkids to think he was some kind of Indiana Jones. He said he even "sent away for one of them Kiwi bush pilot hats."


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