Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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Hour 1: President Obama gives a speech at West Point. General Gayland Shaw is on the show to talk about it. He thinks the President told the conservatives what they want to hear. He says the President foreign policy is so complex the average person can't understand it. He is also upset that FOX news didn't hire him. Colonel Hunt was on and didn't even know how to use a map. The reality show people who crashed the White House party give their first interview. They claim they were invited.

Hour 2: Seattle police kill the cop killer who killed 4 police officers in Lakewood Washington. Phil then talks about mental illness. He then takes a phone calls. There is news on climate change. Then Phil talks about the Pentagon papers.

Hour 3: Bobbie and Steve Dooley are on to discuss Tiger Woods. She says women should expect that men are going to cheat on them. When women get married they get fatter, dumber and duller. It's normal for men to cheat. Bobbie actually got palpitations after learning that women don't know this fact. Then Phil talks about healthcare, then the stories we couldn't get to.


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