Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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Reverand David Casanova of David Casanova Ministries joined us to discuss his radical counseling method for women pregnant as the result of rape or incest. It's called ETL or Extended Trauma Language. Reverand Casanova knows that women who give birth to babies born of such circumstance have a great deal of anger. He tells them that expressing their hostility while not acting on it is healthy. Once the child is born look at it and say "I want to drown you in a tub" or I hope your get drafted and die in a war." Of course, the woman won't mean it and the kid will be happy to turn 18 and get away from her so everyone's a winner.

Steven Bosell of Corona, California was on the show to discuss a recent citation he recieved for child endangerment. He and his wife went into a store to buy strawberries while his 2 year old niece was in a hot car, windows rolled up on a 98 degree day. When Steve and his wife came out of the store there was a crowd of people and a cop that had the car slim-jimmed open. Steve wants the charge dismissed. His neice is part Indian, says Steve, so she can take the heat. And she was rehydrated with water and a kool pop. But as for Steve? "Who gives a kool pop to my reputation?" he asks....


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