Tuesday, August 2, 2005

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Hour 1:

Bobbie Dooley is on to talk to Phil about the new "Dove" ads. She believes they tell women it is okay to fatten up. The ad's have average women posing in them...frustrated listeners think Bobbie is a poor example for women and young teens.

Hour 2: Phil is on with Frodo the puppet to explain the bull crap. Frodo has an idea for Phil's blog. He think Phil needs photo's. Phil talks about the new Bobbie Brown reality show, the episode where Whitney Houston had to go to the bathroom. Frank Gray is on to talk about the High School teacher who had a sex change and will return to school as a woman in New Jersey. Phil begins to daydream that he is in space. In the dream Bud bean farts. Jeff Dowder gives Phil his beach report. But instead of the Beach report he gives the "Keech report" based on Stacey Keach.

Hour 3:

Art Griego showed the "Castaway" movie unedited on a charter flight. Listeners call mad that he did that considering he is a pilot...questioning his license.


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