Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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Tonight, Herb Sewell, as part of him trying to class up his image, advocated against the Arizona immigration law and in favor of health care, telling everyone he was a liberal and cared about people. In fact, he annoucned he's running for Congress and that he's getting his child-molester past out in the open. After all, what was worse, the fact Herb was a child molester or the fact Teddy Kennedy "strangled a woman and then drove his care into a creek?" Later Steve Bosell told Phil that he and two other fathers will be chaperoning his daughters middle school dance this weekend. If a girl wears a dress that Steve says "makes me want to dance with her and get her punch" then it's inappropriate and Steve and the other fathers, under the suprrvision of the girls gym teacher "Miss Elizabeth", have to administer corporal punishment. This is done as "Miss Elizabeth" wears a leather mask and watches while referring to the fathers as her "eunuchs." Phil also explained to Bud and Robert what newspapers were.


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