Thursday, September 8, 2011

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Tonight it was Dr. Ron Tarner putting forth the controversial opinion that the American economy doesn't work and that communism needs to be given a try. On the heels of Obama's jobs speech Tarner said the reason why communism didn't work in Ruissia is because "Russians are racially inferior but I don't mean that the Nazi way. I just mean they did things like fertilize their crops with human waste."

Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police reported from the blackout in San Diego saying he and his "subcommanders" were knocking on doors house to house. If there was no answer he would assume "there could be a person in there in an iron lung that's unplugged.." So Jay and his men made forcible entry. Going by one of Major Elvis Newton's precepts, "Don't smell 'em before you see 'em," Jay told Phil he didn't want to miss helping someone who may be incapacitated only to get a call days later that something in the same neighborhood smells like a "sausage factory."


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