Thursday, September 2, 2004

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Thursday, September 2, 2004

Hour 1: Weathermen Art Patrice and Paul Froud call to report on the scene of Florida’s Hurricane Francis. Phil figures out that the dramatic, raging wind in the background of their call isn’t actually the storm but Patrice making wind noises with his mouth. It turns out the guys blew their money at the strip club by the airport, lost their plane tickets when they were jumped in the parking lot and are currently hiding out in Solvang, CA – praying they won’t get fired. Next, it’s everyone’s favorite plastic surgery show, “Sew Me Up so Tight I’m Talking Through a Hole in My Face.” Dr. Jack Briscoe and Sheila Skelly discuss the practicality of male organ enhancement while Skelly undergoes a liposuction “touch up,” removing 50-plus pounds of fat from her ass.

Hour 2: Bobbie Dooley is a Democrat who says Bush and his family were nauseating to look at during a campaign speech.

Hour 3: Bob Green is furious with the Florida tourism board because his Disneyworld plans in September were ruined.


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