Thursday, October 27, 2011

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Ted Bell from Ted's of Beverly Hills doesn't think people with low incomes should be allowed to win lotterys since all they're going to buy with the winnings are velvet dogs-playing-poker paintings or spend the money on illicit activities like betting on dog-fights...

Margaret Grey was boosting a doctor from Arizona who was banned from a number of area McDonalds because she claims to have found unsanitary conditions at the McDonalds "Play Places." Margaret told Phil she herself was in a "ball pit" at a Chuck E. Cheese when she decided to climb out, feeling she was covered in infectious microbes. Walking with her arms out and her legs spread wide, she was approached by a TV producer and offered a part in a movie western because she was walking "bow-legged."

With David G. Hall, Lloyd Bonafide, Brad Rivkind, Charlie LeFountain and Dr. Jim Sadler...


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