Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Tonight, it was Herb Sewell on the show, a man who spent 8 years in the forensic hospital at Atascadero for a variety of crimes against woman and children. Mr Sewell, who is now in a half-way house, was asked by Phil to comment on a provision of Jessica's Law being struck down, that is the provision stating a convicted predator must stay 2,000 feet away from any private or public school and parks. Herb applauded the ruling saying that now he and other members of the "SOL" (Sexual Offenders League-they have a barbecue twice a year)) would be able to find a place to live. Better, said Herb, to make it illegal for any adult "to bring their child, all dressed up in a ballerina costume, anywhere near me."

Next hour we were joined by Dr. Ron Tarner who was impressed by the number of hits a woman's blog got when she wrote about dressing her son like Daphne from "Scooby-Doo" for a school Halloween party. Dr. Tarner decidecd he'd dress his son up like a female for school and see if that helped his boring blog get hits, a blog that doesn't do in a year the traffic this woman's does in a day. Ron's son cried and asked why he had to wear a dress but Ron told Phil "it teaches my son that he can give me back something instead of me giving him stuff. The child support I pay alone is a crime against nature." Ron said his son's experience wasn't all that unique. Ron had a childhood friend named Jim Tanny. Everyone used to think he was related to Vic Tanny, the gym owner. "Imagine how embarrassing that was"


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