Thursday, November 28, 2002

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Thursday, November 28, 2002

Show Log by Paul Dintino

Hour 1
“Mother’s with Son’s” Chairperson Bobbie Dooley is on to talk about her son who was so popular he went ahead and did it with a girl who was teasing him. Bobbie started “Mother’s with Son’s” when she was inspired by the Taliban’s John Walker Lindh.

Hour 2:
Bobbie Dooley had a Clothes-a-thon where the clothes are donated to a battered women shelter. Bobbie doesn’t like to see these women in her “lime green pumps” and forest green gingham dress.” Phil tells all that he played Bobbie in the last bit.

Hour 3:
“Mother’s Against Peer Pressure” founder Bobbie Dooley is on to talk about her son was forced to drive at 80 miles an hour because another boy told him to. He could have killed a bunch of people but it really wasn’t his fault. Some more family album snapshots with the Dooleys.


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