Thursday, November 17, 2005

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Hour 1:

Jay Santos is on with Phil to discuss the two prisoners who escaped from Iowa. One of them has been caught and it happens to be the Mexican. Jay thinks it makes perfect sense that the Mexican got caught. Phil plays a listener flashback from 8-2-04 called Tim Robbins the Report: Cherry Dessert Topping. Phil openly discusses the Theo Van Gogh Anniversary of his death, it was Nov 2nd. Charlie wants to know if Phil is serious or being sarcastic about his comments regarding Theo Van Gogh. R.C. Collins calls in to ask Phil a question about classical violin players. He's bothered that they are all Chinese and decides to Baba Booey Phil.

Hour 2:

Bobbie Dooley calls in to talk with Phil about her recent findings. She found out that Steve's second cousin is related to a Nazi. Tune in to find out what listeners think about her and her family.

Hour 3:

Phil plays two tracks off of the Best Of 2005 C.D. He plays Dean Wheeler's "Smoking in The Military" and Bob Greene's "Hold my Salami".


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