Thursday, November 12, 2009

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Hour 1: Larry King defends his interview with Carrie Prejean. Hassan is charged with 13 counts of murder in the Fort Hood shootings. Phil talks some politics and takes some phone calls. Some guy calls 911 for some sex talk. He proceeds to masturbate over the phone while talking to the 911 operator.

Hour 2: Bobbie and Steve Dooley come on to talk about the story of Charla Nash being attacked by the chimpanzee. Bobbie is upset because the missed the Oprah Winfrey episode where Charla was interviewed and she can't find a clip of it anywhere on the Internet.

Hour 3: Brass Villenheuva thinks it was good that Lou Dobbs got fired. He doesn't even know who Lou Dobbs is, he just knows that Lou hates Mexicans. He wants all public signs and restaurant menus to be billingual, and for Hispanics to start playing hockey.


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