Thursday, May 15, 2014

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The crew started talking about climate change, but naturally it all got personal for Bud who worried about an asteroid hitting the Earth and Margaret feeling she’s being disrespected (“Don’t wag your finger at me like you’re the overseer and I’m in the field and you want me to report to the Master in the house”).

Also talk about Casey Kasem was front and center featuring Don Berman from Channel 19 News and his favorable opinion of Jean Kasem based on “the pair on her.” The panel also talked about how Casey Kasem is getting sympathy but a babbler like Sterling runs his mouth and “people want to hang him from a rafter in the garage.”

The end of the show went straight to hell with Rudy Canosa, General Shaw, and Ms. Grey arguing over the proprietary right to sing “Brickhouse” by the Commodores. Margaret, naturally, won and related to the crew that she sang the “Brick-Owww-se” part as if Frank “had mistakenly tried the wrong entry and I’m going ‘Ow, Frank!'”

Episode 121 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.