Thursday, June 2, 2005

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Hour One:

Father James McQuarters is on to talk about, a great site to send things our troops need in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he winds up getting high on the air and Phil needs to pull the plug..... Phil talks about what happened to his Jag that fateful day he couldn't slow it down.... Coast to Coast with Art Bell features General Johnson Jameson searching for Frosty The Snowman.... Margaret Grey discusses the Michael Jackson case and the defense playing, as the Drudgereport said, "the Vaseline card."..... Phil attempts a bit called "Spelling Bee For The Deaf" but is critiqued by David G. Hall who says the sound effects are jacked up.... Bud's new cell phone ringer is RC Collins saying "Great show as always Mr. Hendrie.."..... Phil discusses his plan to get on one of those talking head shows wearing an eye patch and smoking a pipe.....

Hour Two:

Its e-mail time....Rudy Canoza calls and asks why Phil is so slap-happy tonight, laughing during bits and stuff.... RC calls and tells Phil he's been working on his "Luke I'm your father" impression...... Phil says Tom Cruise is a bible banger for Scientology.... Different religion, same kind of dickhead.....

Hour Three:

Vernon Dozier is on the show to say he has it on good authority that most women who receive child support money spend it on lip hair removal instead of the kids......


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