Thursday, July 21, 2005

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Hour One:

Bob Bakian reports that there have been no fatalities due to the heat in Arizona...Phil points out 18 people have died, mostly elderly...Bob says. "Oh, I didn't know you were counting them.."....Herb Sewell on why it wouldn't be convenient for Walter Bellhaven to win his freedom from the psychiatric prison...Phil talks about his upcoming blog....In another episode of Laurel and Hardy, Ollie sees Stan reading the Koran....Phil talks about his kids driving...

Hour Two:

Larry Grover tells Phil and his audience that, although slavery was a terrible thing, the "purchasing agents" that sent the slaves to America actually brought African people to a better place......

Hour Three:

Bob Green of Frazer Foods is disappointed that he couldn't get any media coverage for his assistance to the homeless and elderly during the recent heat wave.....


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