Thursday, February 14, 2013

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Dr. Ron Tarner and Dr. Jim Sadler both come on to try and explain what happenes when a black widow spider bites you like one did a professional golfer in Australia. The event was the ISPS Handa tournament ("Handa" is how Australians say "Honda" claimed Bud).

The Atherton, CA police blotter is read and Phil talks with Dr. Sadler about a business he was trying to get going where for a certain amount of money you could talk to your favorite athlete. His idea went south after he learned people were verbally abusing the athletes and he himself couldn't intercede because no one understands him anyway due to a speech impediment...

A meteor streaks across the sky in Russia and Phil and his crew review some of the video which appears shaky, no doubt, says Margaret, because the cameraman was drinking vodka...


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