Thursday, February 11, 2010

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Hour 1: Dr. Jim Sadler is on the show to talk about obese children. A study done in the American Indian community says that obese children are twice as likely to die before the age of 55. Jim is seeing an obese child. He gave him diet tips and three weeks later the child came in with his mother with no change. Jim told the mother that if the child doesn't lose weight she will be burying him very soon. At the end of this hour Phil plays some American Idol auditions.

Hour 2: Dr. Ron Tarner is talking about Global climate change again. He thinks that if people disagree with man made climate change they should be fined or jailed.

Hour 3: For the first half of the hour Phil talks about President Obama. Then the last half Doug Danger is on to give his top ten most romantic songs, including More, more, more by Andrea True because she is a porn star. Doug also complains about the fact that Billboard magazine didn't hire him, he thinks he was discriminated against because he's a gay man and a gay journalist.

Show log by Bonnie Kliewer


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