Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Jack Armstrong, liberal blogger, was on to attack Clarence Thomas' wife, Virginia, for saying publically that the health care law is unconstitutional. By extension, Jack said Justice Thomas should recuse himself from any Supreme Court review of healthcare because he would be influenced by his wife. Black men are used to a matriarchal family and are more likely going to do what "momma" tells them to do. Plus, Thomas will probably be looking to "payback" some of the liberals that fried him during his confirmation hearing with an unfavorable ruling on healthcare......

General Gaylen Shaw, USA (Ret.) spoke with Phil about Arizona counter suing the federal government over border control. Arizona is "hysterical," said the General "and needs to get a grip. The US government will get around to helping them as soon as we figure out this Medicare thing for all their old people." The General said that Governor Jan Brewer, when giving a speech today, sounded like she'd "had a couple of pops. You have a governor drinking to excess because the people of her state are nervous wrecks. Meanwhile the Canadian border goes unprotected with methamphetamine addicts wandering across at various points."


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