Thursday, December 8, 2011

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RI reporter Gary Parton has been covering the Rick Perry campaign for months. He now feels that he can say, objectively and as a journalist, Rick Perry is part vegetable....that is not even human...for his bigoted stance on gays. And Gary says he can safely state as an objective journalist that Herman Cain got out of the presidential race because he didn't want to get caught with white women.

Bob Green from Frazier Foods was disgusted by all the pet supplies and food he sweaters, cat condos, dog hats, cat scratching posts, toys of all kinds not to mention food that's more nutritious than baby food...that he decided to get rid of all of it. In the middle of a recession, Bob reasoned, his soul was blackened in the eyes God for selling stuff that makes pets comfy. "You think I'm gonna ask our soldiers to die in Iraq so some old lady with a poodle can buy it shoes? Thank you but I'll pass."


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