Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Tonight we welcomed on the show Ted Bell from Ted's of Beverly Hills to discuss charitable giving during the holidays. "Toys For Tots," says Ted is fine but he doesn't like to take "busted junk" and "crap you find in a vacant lot" to the collection centers. Ted buys new toys and when he shows up he holds the toy above his head and tells the other people there "See this? It's NEW" Ted says if there aren't people at the Toys For Tots bin yet he'll "circle the area and check it out with binoculars. Once I see people gathering I'll drive over."

Next was former NFL defensive back Daryl Webber on to respond to New York Giant Antrel Rolle's remarks about booing fans. Rolle said that "fans shouldn't boo." And that football players are much like soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Webber essentially agreed saying that "everytime I step onto a football field I run the risk of getting my head broke and having it flop around like a Raggedy-Ann doll." Plus Daryl says that football players run the risk of broken necks in front of 80,000 people whereas soldiers run the same risk but only in front of "wind and rocks."


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