Thursday, December 12, 2002
Show Log by Paul Dintino
Hour 1:
Clara Bingham joins the show regarding the Trent Lott story. He’s a racist and a cracker and black people are not fooled by his apology. Feature: “What he really said.” A trip to the Oval Office with Trent Lott and Bush.
Hour 2:
David G. Hall, the vice president of syndication for the Phil Hendrie Show is on to say he’s going to get the small pox vaccine before everyone else because he’s important. Flashback with Bobbie Dooley saying a blind lady can’t sit at her table because she’s got no eyes.
Hour 3:
Vernon Dozier is on to talk about the Kelly Clarkson controversy. Phil talks about the suspension of the Guns N Roses tour and his bad experiences at concerts from older groups. Father Mcquarter comes on to talk about Cardinal Law.