Thursday, December 11, 2003

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Thursday, December 11, 2003

HR 1 – Eric Hester, the director of the Pacific Malibu Women’s Resource Center briefly addresses the subject of the alleged assault of Whitney Houston by her husband Bobby Brown.  Phil talks immigration.  Back on the line with Eric Hester and callers.
HR 2 – Phil talks about Iraq again and takes a call from a listener. “Phil Explains the Bullcrap” with Frodo the Puppet. REPEAT from Tuesday: Callers react to Don Berman, mall Santa, asks kids if they have been molested by their father or older brother has been molesting them so he can get it on the 11 pm news.  Back to war talk.
HR 3 – Phil talks sports and the NBA owners.  Phil calls Tom Sneddon a hick, talks about child molesters and takes calls.



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