Thursday, December 1, 2005

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Hour 1:

David G. Hall announces to Phil he is HIV Positive, claims to have slept with a man but insists he is not gay. Tune into the first hour to hear what Phil and the audience think about David's dilemma.

Hour 2:

Justin McAlroy and Lloyd Bonafide call in to tell Phil that they finally looked up their ancestry. Justin discovered his great uncle was at Pearl Harbor. Lloyd cuts in and tells Phil and Justin his great, great, great Grandfather was into tanning hides.

Hour 3:

Bobbie Dooley is on tonight to discuss how the 25 most popular kids in her kids school received death threats. Bobbie is having a hard time dealing with this, her kids were not on the list. Bobbie's main issue; she feels her kids were excluded because they were not popular enough.


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