Thursday, April 29, 2010

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On the show tonight Dr. Michael Stone joined us for Crime Night.  We discussed the sad case of Phoebe Prince, the girl that hanged herself after being mercilessly taunted by kids at school. Dr. Stone opined that jealousy may have been a part of the motive. When Phil asked him why the doctor responded, "Because one of the girls that harrassed Phoebe was butt-end ugly." Later in the show Vernon Dozier, a high school teacher at Belmar Academy, announced the return of Home Economics to his schools curriculum. The reason, said Vernon, was that home sales are way down and it may be because the homes that are up for sale are filthy. Women need to keep their homes cleaner. No one wants to buy a house that smells "like a dead body." To drive home the point  about how depressed the real estate business was, Vernon mentioned his brother-in-law, who is a real estate salesman. Vernon told Phil that his brother-in-law, while talking about business, brought up the Donner party and the relative merits of cannibalism.


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