Monday, September 5, 2005

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Hour 1:

With the recent statistics coming from the Census Bureau that reveal minority groups will be 49.9 percent of the U.S. population by the year 2050, Bobbi has called an emergency meeting at the Western Estates Homeowners Association to help keep people calm. Bobbi is very cool with the rise in minorities, but realizes so many whites are not. That is why she and her husband Steve do some role playing to help the folks understand. Steve dresses up like a Mesquite Indian and pretends to be a loan officer at a bank. Bobbi goes up to him to ask for a loan all the while remaining calm about a minority in a power role.

Hour 2:

Bobbie Dooley is on to talk to Phil about the new "Dove" ads. She believes they tell women it is okay to fatten up. The ad's have average women posing in them...frustrated listeners think Bobbie is a poor example for women and young teens.

Hour 3:

Bobbi and Steve Dooley of the Western Estates Patent Teacher Organization talks about locking her kids in the trunk of their Cadillac sedan for "time-outs.."


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