Monday, November 8, 2010

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Tonight, freelance writer Gerald Fishcher discussed with Phil Joe Jackson's admission that he beat his son Michael Jackson, the great singer/entertainer. Gerald said that frankly with a kid like that twirling down the street and moonwalking Joe had no choice but to beat the kid so he would tone it down a bit....

And then we had Vernon Dozier who isn't buying the story of Aron Ralston, a rock climber who's arm was stuck between two heavy boulders in a Utah canyon in 2003 and who was eventually forced to amputate the arm to get free. Vernon said the pain would have been too much for Ralston. Mr. Dozier said that during an off-road race in New Guinea, 1982, he got a staph infection in one of his fingers. He attempted to amputate it but "screamed like a woman" after the first couple of cutting motions.


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