Monday, November 22, 2010

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A Mr. Lloyd Bonafide of Alhambra, California was our guest. He was concerned about the mental health of his 77 year old wife who he believed was suffering from demntia or Alzheimers. "She wants to go in a bus to Hollywood and watch 'The Price is Right' so Bob Barker can make her his whore." When told Barker doesn't host the show anymore he said he believed Barker was "still hanging around the stage."  Lloyd believed his wife had dementia because in 54 years of marriage "she's never disobeyed me and I told her I didn't want her wandering the streets of Hollywood."

Next up, Art Griego and Phil discussed the TSA pat-down procedures that have so many passengers angry. Art said that if passengers were angry, think of what it's like for the TSA people "having to pat-down fat, disgusting people with bad hygiene. Phil, I can tell you when you do a pat-down on an obese computer programmer from San Francisco, you live with the memory for the rest of your life."


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