Monday, November 21, 2016

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Monday, November 21, 2016

NOTE: Since the recent release of Apple’s newest iOS 10, we have noticed problems with the videocast and audio streams in these posts on iPhones and iPads running iOS 10. We did some digging, and it seems to be a very widespread problem affecting HTML5 video and audio players on iOS 10 devices. The problem is on on Apple’s end, not ours, and they have said that a fix is in the works for the coming days/ weeks. If you are having problems accessing the videocast or the streaming audio link in these posts on your iOS 10 iPhone or iPad, we recommend viewing or listening from a computer until Apple releases that update soon. Note this applies only to these posts. The BSP Subscriber iTunes podcast link is not affected by this and is running normally. Thank you! UPDATE: we have fixed video on mobile. If you are still having problems accessing the “stream” on mobile, click the option that says “download” instead of stream. On iOS 10, that will allow you to stream the show. Thank you for your patience!

Chef Carl Chodillia begins to talk about barbecuing a Thanksgiving turkey buts runs into trouble with Margaret when he mentions meat thermometers. Dave Olivia almost gets into a fight with a USC fan at the USC-UCLA game.

The BSP Classic Show is from 2002 Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Doug Dannger from the Orange County Courier comes on to give insight into why women would sleep with a loser like Ben Affleck.
Ted Bell joins the program and talks about his new book

Episode 777 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast


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