Monday, November 2, 2009

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Hour 1: Doug Danger, gay man gay journalist, comes on the show to talk about the story of a Director of Planned Parenthood in Texas resigning after seeing an ultrasound. Doug thinks there's more to this story. He doesn't think women can go from Pro-choice to Pro-life.

Hour 2: Phil starts out with some political commentary. A newscaster in New York says the F-word on the air. Phil talks about the healthcare bill and recounts the time in Minnesota when he saw Charles Osgood. He then plays a call of a woman who called 911 to report that she was drinking while she was driving. Plus a couple of other stories.

Hour 3: Ford reports 1 Billion dollar profit in the third quarter. Jack Armstrong comes on the show to say that he thinks it's all due to Barack Obama. Even though Ford never got any money from the government.


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