Monday, May 17, 2010

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Tonight on our return David G. Hall finds fault with Phil describing his Caribbean vacation to listeners, "most of whom will never be able to afford one." David says talk radio listeners are conservatives and so are not prone to appreciate Phil's "diversity lectures about how you were hanging in the Grenadines with socialists and homosexuals." In hour two, Phil announced he's through with supporting oil drilling, all the while acknowledging that most likely no one cares what he supports. Phil also moderately supported the Houston teacher that beat up one of her students: "Teachers have been beating up students for centuries. Now we get sensitive about it?" In the final hour, it's a question of loyalty for show sponsor Ted bell who reminds Phil that this Sunday is the 25th anniversary of Ted learning about his fathers death...the same day Ted put Captain Morgans and Coke together and invented the "Ted."


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