Monday, May 16, 2011

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Tonight, Dr. Ron Tarner actually agreed with and tried to defend Dr. Stephen Hawking for saying "heaven is a fairy tale." And Tarner said that he, Ron Tarner, was more important than Jesus Christ. Tarner has had a long standing grudge against Hawking for what Tarner believes were racist jokes penned by Hawking

Later it was Bobbie Dooley of the Western Estates PTO saying injecting botox into an eight year old "because her face ain't makin' it" is necessary in order for the child to win a beauty pageant and thus vindicate her mother and help her mother win her grandfathers love. One man called to say he had five daughters and they were all beautiful to him. When Bobbie heard none had been in beauty pageants, she said the guy was "5 for 5." Wow...


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