Bob weighed in tonight on candy and it's addictive nature when it comes to children...He prohibits selling candy to kids, will take it out of their hands and put it back and even brings his obese son to the store on Saturdays to sit on a stool with a sign around his neck reading: "Your kid will turn into this if he eats too much."
General Gaylon Shaw said Michelle Bachmann saved him fom the bottle.......but when he found out she was married he had, what they call, a slip. He poured a glass full of Knob Creek in his kitchen one night and cried himself to sleep.....but then he crawled back out of the bottle and supported Ms. Bachmann without the sexual component. He claims that Bachmann, not Sarah Palin, is the true shining light of the conservative movement and that those people that went to see Palin this weekend in Nevada are knuckleheads.......or so he says....David G. Hall thought Phil was being a tad racist with his remarks regarding Japanese anime so he devised a system triggered the song "Sukiyaki" if Phil was getting too racial about the Japanese..