Monday, March 1, 2010

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Hour 1: Lloyd Bonafide is disappointed that there wasn't a tsunami in Hawaii like the news said. He says that CNN lied and blames them for dragging his sick wife into the living room to watch it happen. Lloyd says it's compelling to want to see people get killed. He said that a reporter stated that "you will see dead human beings." It will be an island of death. Then Phil has some commentary and talks about the USA vs Canada in the 2010 Olympics.

Hour 2: Kurt Queedy and Guy Barton representatives from the West Virginia state legislature thinks that voters are disrespectful. They don't like their constituents calling them names liked crooks and liars. Once they pushed back the opening of the veterans center because a woman brought up the fact that they didn't vote for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Hour 3: Art Griego is on the program to talk about a story of a man getting arrested in a mall after he took pictures of his own son. Art says he takes pictures of kids at the mall. Only these aren't his kids. He keep these pictures in albums to look at later.

Show log by Bonnie Kliewer


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