Monday, June 9, 2014

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Margaret and Phil discuss Margaret singing an operatic scale to Judas Priest while she also battles acid reflux with the odd belch…Phil mentions that purchasing a BSP allows the listener to experience not just the show’s highs, but also moments of abject, suicidal depression….Robert and Margaret get into an insult festival with Margaret calling Robert an “apple polisher” and Robert saying Margaret is “an ass-licker, licking up one cheek, licking a little of the crack, and then licking down the other cheek.” General Shaw thought he came up with a really cool word, “bull-oney”, combining bull and baloney….Phil said it wasn’t “all that groovy a word.” The General then said Phil was using “fancy words like groovy” because he thought he was G-Eazy.

Larry Grover and David G. Hall guested…..

Episode 137 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.


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