Monday, July 26, 2010

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Our first hour saw Clara Bingham, a high school teacher at Joyful Union Congregation High, talking with Phil about the "Life Closure" classes she's teaching high scool juniors and seniors. Basically she's telling some of the kids that they can commit suicide if there's nothing else going on after graduation. Some kids go onto college and get degrees, some kids go to college and figure out what they want to do, some kids go into busines and some kids will be "flipping a square" which means they'll be flipping burgers at Wendy's or they'll be carrying people's "slop buckets." Those kids need the "SBO", the Slop Bucket Option, which is suicide.

Larry Grover joined Phil mid-way through the second hour to talk about his "Fair Play For BP Committee." Larry applauds BP replacing the very English CEO, Tony Hayward, with American Bob Dudley since having to listen to Hayward's English accent during the oil leak crisis conjured images of a "redcoat taking off his wig and having his way with your brother." When Larry finds out that Dudley is Southern that creates another problem. Hearing a Southern accent may conjur images of "being a Union soldier shot dead by a guy in bare feet." Larry says that the only accent acceptable would be "a flat Illinois accent."


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