Monday, July 19, 2010

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We had Colleen Cristin Brewster on the show for the first time in some ten years. She's older and dumber in this episode where her Party Circle Cruise will take overweight tweens and teens on a one week cruise between San Pedro and Catalina Island. The purpose? To teach the kids how to "Lose The Weight!", meaning puke overboard but David G. Hall comes on the show to tell Phil he isn't to use the word "puke." Nor is he allowed to use "vomit", "barf" or "throwing up." Turns out Colleen is paying David to be interviewed by Phil to see what kind of business his show can drum up. When she asks Phil why she isn't getting any calls he tells her it's because no one knows what it is she's talking about. She says to David "this won't do" and hangs up.

Later Pastor William Rennick comments on Glenn Beck claiming to an audience this past weekend that he's going blind. Pastor Rennick says that he lost faith in God when Glenn Beck arrived on the scene but now has a renewed faith in God since hearing Beck is going blind. When a woman with sight in only one eye calls in to criticize Rennick, the pastor tells her "Here's what I think of your one good eyeball" and belches into the phone. Dick.


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