Monday, January 31, 2011

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We opened the show with another Steve Bosell problem. His daughter's school called him on the carpet again, this time for hosting a Super Bowl Party with an "alleged rapist" performing on television (Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger) Steve was told by the kids, led by 11 year old Bradley, that he needed to shut his mouth when mentioning Roethlisberger's innocence and that instead of watching the game he was to leave the party, retire to the master bedroom and read a couple of books on feminism.

Clara Bingham discussed a court ruling Monday that so-called "Obamacare" is unconstitutional. Ms Bingham had the kids in her middle school and elementary school write letters in protest to various elected officials, encouraging the kids to make up ailments they suffer from. "You know how good I am? I had a kid write that he suffers from leprosy and that Obamacare is needed for him. Otherwise off to the leper colony in Hawaii he goes." Ms. Bingham also told Phil without Obamacare she won't be able to shuttle seniors to their doctors appointments and they'll have to "walk or hitch-hike."


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