Monday, January 29, 2001

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Steve Bosell, winner of the "Host for an Hour" contest, started off the show. He discussed the India quake, saying that it was "God punishing a country of non-Christians." Phil had to interupt Steve's hour to chastise him for his fanatical views.

During the second hour Phil ranted about the Superbowl. He also touched on the kid who burned himself copying "Jackass".

Brad Riffkin opened the third hour by arguing that "Ray Lewis was given the MVP to keep him from hurting or killing someone." Brad tried to contact Britney Spears to see if she'd allow herself to be deflowered to passify him.

Phil closed the show with another rant. This time the topic was N'Sync: gay or not? Also, The Doors should just stop with the albums featuring guest vocalists, or "lost" Morrison tapes making Chili.


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