Monday, February 27, 2006

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Hour 1:

Chris Norton talks about Colin Farrell allegedly having sex with a Playboy bunny. Lloyd Bonifide calls in to comment on a photo of Vietnam he saw on the Phil Hendrie Show website. Phil reads some e-mail and rants about Satellite radio and Goose Gossage.

Hour 2:

Bill Clutterman continues! David G. Hall calls in to tell Phil to quit going on about his affiliates being tape delayed. Bob Bakian reports that Bill O'Reilly was just raped in the Fox parking garage. Phil plugs the website, talks about "Teachers", and reads some E-mail.

Hour 3:

Ted Bell of Ted's of Beverly Hills feels that anyone ordering their steak "medium to medium well" is gutless and more worried about mad cow disease than our men and women in harms way in Iraq. Get a pair, says Ted, and eat your steak rare.


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