Monday, December 9, 2013

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Big night with Bobbie Dooley explaining her initial decision to boot a homeowner for lying about acting in porn films, in a sub-genre called "she/he hee hee" (shemale comedies) and "he/she wee wee" (shemale water sports) The accused actresses husband, Duvay Bootman, comes on the program to defend his wife...

Raj Feneen and his son Todd called in to talk about their love of Dickensian-style Christmas, the Charles Dickens vision of Christmas. Raj even laughed about the time his son heard "Rama Lama Ding Dong" on the radio and thought it was about Ramadan...

Vernon Dozier discusses his new series "Pussy Hits of the Week" where he talks about seemingly brutal hits that weren't brutal at all. This week, the Brandon Browner hit on Wes Welker from 2012.


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