Monday, December 9, 2002

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Monday, December 9, 2002

Show Log by Paul Dintino
Hour 1:
Things kick off with Robert Green and “Christmas Courier” get’s a big laugh that kids write letters to Santa asking for dialysis and the like. Pastor Rennick and his Christmas pageant. Jay Santos from the Citizens Auxiliary Police tries to talk about a ban on Christmas trees but cracks up…Phil (I mean Jay) can hardly get the story out!

Hour 2:
David G. Hall joins the program to talk about Christmas parties. He thinks people should get drunk at the parties so he can see your wife’s breasts. Lloyd Bonified come on to say people with icicle lights on their houses are homosexuals.

Hour 3:
A guy with a Christmas Tree Lot says a green Christmas Trees are a horrific reminder of the dark ages. Phil rants about United Airlines.


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