Monday, December 5, 2005

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Hour 1:

Phil talks about his bronchial infection, the USC game, and almost getting trampled. Phil reads some listener e-mail and plugs the CD signing. Harvey Wireman joins the program to help read the track listing from the new "Best of 2005" CD.

Hour 2:

Vernon Dozier doesn't say "I love you" to his wife on the phone because he fears that other coaches will think he is saying it to another guy. Callers think Vernon is an idiot and that he shouldn't be embarrassed for telling his wife he loves her.

Hour 3:

Ted Bell of Ted's of Beverly Hills joins the show.He is upset because he was caught sleeping with fat women in the liquor closet. Ted thinks his wife is wrong and should not be upset with him. Callers are outraged and feel sorry for Ted's wife for having to go through the humiliation of her stupid husband.


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