Monday, December 14, 2009

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Hour 1: Best of from November 9, 2009 Then a woman calls 911 to say she's driving drunk and some other commentary.

Hour 2: Best of from November 17, 2009 Hour 2.

Hour 3: During the first half of the hour, Margaret Grey calls in from her motor home. First she takes issue with something Phil said about Michael Moore. Phil said Michael Moore's carbon footprint is so large that whole nations could benefit if he cut back on eating. Then she's talking about Troy Buswell an Australian politician who sniffed the chair of a female staffer. Margaret says it's a compliment for a man to do it. Phil comments further on this story. During the second half of the hour Guy Barton and Kurt Queedy come on the program to talk about a story of Pakistani men getting spa treatments. Guy and Kurt wants to introduce a bill to allow men who are prone to be in a terrorist organization to get massages. That way they may have second thoughts. Some news at the end.


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