Monday, August 8, 2005

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Hour One:

Clara Bingham claims women that home school their children are "gingham-wearers who want to be Michael Landon's wife" and deprive their children of "socialized" education. Ms Bingham also believes that a boy who is home schooled by his mother eventually sees her as a sex object since "hers are the only pair he's seen since birth."

Hour Two:

Brass Villanueva says the Minutemen Project is illegal. Callers say Brass is an idiot that doesn't know that California is in America.

Hour Three:

Robert Green of Frazier Foods claims that black people won't be crazy about the new Star Wars film with its wheezing Darth Vader, obviously mocking African-Americans who smoke menthol, and its babbling Yoda, a crass parody of Rosa Parks......


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