Monday, April 17, 2017

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Monday, April 17, 2017

It’s Easter weekend and we present our show from April 20, 2016: the Happy Weed Day Show. The two founders of Ben and Jerry’s are arrested in D.C. and Dr. Jim Sadler discusses what he considers to be their sheer hypocrisy. Reverend Dave Castorini can spot a fellow pastor who’s in the closet. Don Berman’s always wanted a Ferrari, and when he hears of one crashing, he gets emotional.

Our BSP Classic Show is from October 2002. Phil discusses Las Vegas Hotel porn. A tribute to Anaheim Angels baseball manager Mike Scioscia. Phil goes through the story of porn star Johnny “THE WAD” Holmes. Phil interviews Deb Turner at a women’s professional basketball fundraiser about President Bush and the war in Iraq. Phil and Larry Grover discuss Larry threatening to sue his wife for custody of his kids because of his daughter “walking the line of sexuality.”

Episode 882 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast


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